Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Week 39 - STILL ready for her arrival

Several weeks ago my officemate/longtime dear friend, Elizabeth, and I were discussing when we thought that Miss Sonnie may choose to make her arrival. We both had independently come up with Memorial Day weekend. We're both pretty intuitive people so it must be true.

Not. So. Much.

I know it doesn't hurt for her to stay in there a bit longer...in fact, for her brain development, I know it's good. But I also am learning why women start going bezerk in the last month waiting on their child to arrive. I know the doctor won't let me go over by anymore than 2 weeks so there is an absolute end date. However, when you tell people you have 2 weeks before your due date (giving a window of 4 weeks before the latest date baby could arrive), they start saying "Oh! Could be any day now!!"

And you begin to believe them.

Yes! It could be ANY day...like TODAY! Every morning starts to feel like you've got the potential to open the best present EVER only to have every evening turn into "well, maybe tomorrow..." I think if I knew that she wasn't coming til 2 weeks after my due date, I could just put my game face on and find something else to occupy my brain with but this not knowing is making me obsess over it. Not good.

So the goal this week: somehow, someway get my mind onto something different. Yeah...right. Well, I'll give it a shot anyway. I'm considering creating a couple crafty projects to occupy my mind. Especially since that whole nesting/cleaning thing seems to have passed. Actually, that was just the urge to get all the baby stuff in order...I seem to have very little care to do the last-minute scrub every square inch of the house stuff. I can't even bring myself to care about the dirty dishes in the sink and I only did laundry yesterday because I'm down to a minimal set of pants that are comfy. I might be able to throw myself into a fun crafty project though...got a little cradle for my step-daughter at a second-hand store that I could make super cute.

But even with those efforts, I'm sure I'll still feel every twinge, every cramp, every sign of tiredness or every spurt of energy as a sign that TODAY could be THE day. :) Here's hoping! ;)

1 comment:

  1. This is exactly how I'm feeling. I'm only a few weeks behind you and the "any day now" mentality sure is enough to make me go crazy. I'm so pissy lately and had contractions all last night... starting to get impatient! (even though I know it's better for her to cook just a little longer.....)



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